It began with death and rebirth.
The Raven Witchery is run by Ravenna aka Shell and is a sister site to Sacred Moon Candles. I am a witch and psychic medium that has the ability to connect with spirit from a young age and I have practiced witchcraft for over 20 years now and it never ceases to amaze me. I have had so many amazing magickal experiences, I have also had some hair-raising experiences too.
I have had a lot of lessons and trauma in my life but I have also had many blessings too. I was first initiated into witchcraft in 2004 but I never fully embraced it and I was what you would call a closet witch. I have experienced some profound events in my life and the one that began with death and rebirth in 2009 was the beginning of my awakening. Overcoming those took a lot of work and a lot of healing. Whatever healing modality helped me I trained in it to be able to offer it to others that needed help.
I am an avid reader and I love to study. Over the years I have gained many qualifications some of which include counselling, psychology, spiritual healing, advanced reflexology, herbalist, breathwork, EFT, hypnotherapy, human design and most recently I have gone down the rabbit hole of Gene Keys. I love a rabbit hole where you can get lost in it for months or even years at a time and in the process, you learn so much about yourself.
I am also a person who doesn't like small talk I am the type of person that loves the deep and meaningful conversations that can go on for hours but it only feels like you have been talking for five minutes those type of conversations that give you goosebumps.
I have been off the radar for a while due to an illness that literally put me on my butt back in 2019 my own fault for not listening to my spirit guides. I had to give a lot up because of it and it was soul destroying. It’s taken a minute to come to terms with my new way of life but each day I am starting to embrace it and getting to know my limits I am slowly coming back to what I love doing. It also showed me the true colours of those around me at the time! Yeah, it was very eye opening!
I am very humbled and grateful to be able to guide and help others in their own healing journeys and the magick they bring to each session never cease to amaze me. I have met some incredible people through what I do and I will be forever grateful for the experiences they have brought to my life.